Sound Design
Apart of being a musician and composer, I’m a technician and sound designer, with over 10 years of experience, always paying attention to every sound and its influence on our relationship with the environment.
My beginnings are linked to the world of radio broadcasting, but my musical side and my curiosity in recreating sound ambients for the image have approached me to the audiovisual world, both artistic and commercial projects.
In my professional collaborations, I deal with sound perception as a particularly important factor in the brand experience we have as users, not only through advertising videos but in any space or environment in which manufacturers sell their products. So, I could give counseling and participated in the implementation of projects incorporating audio branding in the marketing business strategy, products or services.
If you are interested to find out more my work, you could see my portfolio and review some of my field recordings at my audio blog.
You can also contact me here.